



指定された全ての引き数について、 後ろに付いているスラッシュを取り除く。 これは mkdir a; ln -s a la; mv la/ b' のような場合に役立つ。 この場合 POSIX の要求により、 mv はシンボリックリンクla' ではなく ディレクトリ `a' を実際に移動してしまう。

ref: http://linuxjm.osdn.jp/html/gnumaniak/man1/mv.1.html


sudo mv root/ /other_partision/dir/



Some GNU programs (at least cp and mv) allow you to remove any trailing slashes from each source argument before operating on it. The --strip-trailing-slashes option enables this behavior.

This is useful when a source argument may have a trailing slash and specify a symbolic link to a directory. This scenario is in fact rather common because some shells can automatically append a trailing slash when performing file name completion on such symbolic links. Without this option, mv, for example, (via the system’s rename function) must interpret a trailing slash as a request to dereference the symbolic link and so must rename the indirectly referenced directory and not the symbolic link. Although it may seem surprising that such behavior be the default, it is required by POSIX and is consistent with other parts of that standard.

ref: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/manual/html_node/Trailing-slashes.html



--- src/mv.c.orig       2015-06-26 17:04:19.000000000 +0000
+++ src/mv.c    2015-07-28 12:57:14.100068252 +0000
@@ -258,8 +258,7 @@
      function that ignores a trailing slash.  I believe the GNU/Linux
      rename semantics are POSIX and susv2 compliant.  */
-  if (remove_trailing_slashes)
-    strip_trailing_slashes (source);
+  strip_trailing_slashes (source);
   if (dest_is_dir)

こうしてしまうと、 とある状況で動作として問題となる ことってあるのですかねぇ?
